Mask Donation model

Who Receives Donations?

We will have a #maskup Donation Sign up page on our website, if you or someone you love works for and/or volunteers at an at risk organization in need for healthcare workers that are underserved by their hospital administrators) you will be eligible for mask donations, you will be able to select your mask preference and quantity. We will do our very best to accommodate all donation requests received.

Why the Sign Up Tho?

We can ensure our donation recipients receive the type of mask they are in need of, in the quantity they're hoping for, we can confirm that those signing up on behalf of hospitals or organizations have administrative support and approval to accept our donations. Why is this important? Unfortunately, we know(from experience) that despite desperate need, many hospitals and organizations have chosen not to accept donations, Finally, providing a sign up page will ensure we know exactly where our donations-and our consumers hard earned money, is going.
